Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thoughtful Thursdays: Art Imitates Life!

One of the things I've learned about life is... if I'm in disagreement with how things are, I can create plenty of misery for myself. And that's no fun! Everything is what it is... my bank account, my health, the economy, the floor that needs repair, and so on. And the more I get mad at things and don't accept what is actually happening... the more aggravated I seem to be.

So every once in awhile I take a deep breath and say, "stop fighting what is!" And here, I've illustrated that point with one very amusing flea market family photo I acquired for my collection... by adding the "WHAT IS" in Photoshop. Just as a little reminder that... things are the way they are. Believe me when I say that... a little acceptance goes a long, long way!


  1. Hello~

    I stumbled across your blog this morning and am now following. I too make things from found items (time/life permitting).
    Your artwork is very charming~


  2. I love the inspiration in this photo - the reminder to step back and accept "what is". Thank you for the inspiration you have been in my life!

    Merry Christmas, Michelle.


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michelle renee bernard