Guilty Pleasure #1:
Cupcakes. I just love sugar and the best way to quench my sugar addiction is with a sugary treat of soft cake with a glistening top of swirly goodness. Sprinkles are a bonus.

I love cigar boxes and I love to create all kinds of assemblages using new or old cigar boxes. My secret? I pay 25 cents for them at my local grocery store.

I'm supposed to cut out caffeine, but I must have my morning Mochaccino. I just cannot go through a day without tasting that thick, frothy, milky, bubbly-on-top, chocolatey treat.

Okay, I confess... I love reality shows. They're like a bad wreck. You just can't look away. I love watching Project Runway, Survivor, Top Chef and the like for the socialization factor. I like to

Guilty Pleasure #5: Singing In The Car
If you ever heard me sing, you'd probably cover your ears... but in the car, I'm a rock star. I can sing along to any tune and pretend I sound really awesome. Even the guy in the car next to me at the stop light thinks so!

No matter how many dolls, buttons, ephemera, vintage magazines, skeleton keys and costume jewelry pieces I have, I can never have enough. I think I'm trying to buy back everything I owned in my previous lives!

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