Whew! Back from the Craft & Hobby Association's Summer Trade Show... and what a trip. Pictured above are "Rangerettes" Debbie, Teresa, Jackie, me and Patti (Bonnie is taking the photo). We looked so pretty and neat before we entered the Convention Center Hall to build our booth for two days in 90 degree temps with about 95% humidity! Whew...

Lots of work goes into building the booth, but when it's all done, we stand back, admire our work, and have a few well-deserved adult beverages...

I got to help out in Claudine Hellmuth's workshop... which is always fun. It's great to spend time with people who really want to learn about Ranger's products and teach others...

We stayed at the Peabody hotel... named after the distinctive Mallard. There are actually a few ducks that hang out in the hotel foyer, in the fountain. Too cool...

The hotel was very nice and I got to swim in this amazing pool! Doesn't this just look like a postcard...

The hotel had tasty restaurants with an eclectic array of foods. But the sweets were really a treat. I would like one of each, please...

The show was 3 days long and I help out as a salesperson. And although it was a smaller show due to the economy, Ranger did really well. We always seem to be a destination on everyone's list. A great turnout, considering... see you all in Anaheim in January!
©photos by Patti Behan and Bonnie Egenton
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